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Houston Criminal Defense Law Firm

5 Reasons to Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer

When a person faces criminal charges, they may wonder whether hiring an attorney is worth the expense. Self-representation can be difficult, and it is usually best to have legal representation on one’s side. Below are five reasons to hire a criminal defense attorney.

Evaluation of the Evidence

As evidence mounts against a defendant, the case can end up not going in their favor. Thankfully, an attorney can evaluate that evidence for weaknesses. A client may not know of police procedural errors, or they may be unaware that a police report isn’t usable because it was filled out incorrectly. An attorney knows all the legal loopholes, and they can find issues to tip the scales in the client’s favor.

Filling and Filing of Paperwork

Many clients assume that court clerks and others help them complete documents. If one has questions or concerns about court paperwork, it’s important to have a lawyer‘s help. Hiring an attorney can help one ensure that papers are correctly filled and submitted.

Negotiating During Plea Bargaining

Where criminal litigation is concerned, results typically come down to a plea bargain. Most plea bargains are handled out of court, between prosecutors and defense attorneys. If one hopes for a plea bargain, they should hire an experienced local attorney.


It is the prosecutor’s job to gain a conviction, and it’s beneficial for a defendant to have an attorney who protects their best interests. Although one would hope that witnesses and police would be honest during testimony, an attorney can help clients ensure that nothing is taken from or added to a testimony that may affect the case.

Professional Witnesses

In many criminal cases, it may help to call witnesses to testify on one’s behalf. An attorney can determine whether a professional witness can help, and they can help to choose those witnesses. A lawyer can prepare witnesses for testimony, ensuring their comfort and confidence on the stand.

No matter how minor the infraction, criminal charges may affect one’s chances of getting a job or becoming approved for a home loan. By hiring a criminal defense lawyer, one can ensure that their future is protected to the extent possible.

Houston Criminal Law Firm