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Domestic Violence Lawyers

When Domestic Violence Is A Part Of A Divorce Case

In Texas, domestic violence cases are often linked to divorce cases. In divorce cases in which inhumane treatment or domestic violence is the grounds, it is necessary to evaluate the criminal case as well. These allegations could influence the outcome of concepts such as child custody and extended protection orders. Criminal defense attorneys assist individuals who are facing a domestic violence charge that is linked to a divorce case.

Abiding by the Protection Order

After the individual is arrested, the court may issue a protection order. The court order requires the defendant to follow specific guidelines pertaining to the victim. These guidelines determine where the defendant is allowed to visit. This includes visits with their children during their impending cases. Supervised visitation is often a term of a protection order.

Any individual who becomes the subject of a protection order must abide by the terms set forth by the court order. If they don’t they are in violation of the order. These actions will lead to additional criminal charges and penalties upon conviction.

How the Outcome of the Criminal Case Affects a Divorce

The outcome of the criminal case could define whether or not the defendant is a risk to their child. If they assaulted their child or could pose a threat to them physically, the court may award custody of the child to their spouse. They could may also require supervised visitation to prevent further injuries. If the defendant poses a threat to their spouse and not their child, the court may make arrangements for a court representative to transport the child to the defendant’s home for visitation.

What Happens If You are Convicted

If the accused is convicted, they are subject the penalties set forth by the state of Texas. If the charges indicated severe domestic violence, the individual could lose their parental rights if they pose a serious risk to their child.

Texas divorce cases make have a link to impending criminal cases. In instances of domestic violence, the outcome of the criminal case could influence custody arrangements. They could also lead to an extension of the protection order. Individuals who are facing a charge of domestic abuse that is linked their divorce case should contact an attorney immediately for assistance.

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