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Criminal Defense Attorney in Houston

An Experienced Criminal Lawyer Can Mean The Difference Between Freedom And Jail

A conviction for a criminal charge will haunt someone the rest of their life. Waiting to hire a criminal defense attorney until the very last minute to provide representation in a case is a poor option. There are many things that occur immediately after someone’s been arrested, including a bond hearing to find out if they’re eligible for release and the amount of bond that must be paid. An attorney at this step of the process is critical because they can argue against a high bond and the terms of a defendant’s release. As soon as someone’s been arrested and before formal charges have been made, they should contact a criminal lawyer.

An experienced attorney can immediately begin investigating the circumstances surrounding the arrest and begin a defendant’s defense. Early in the process is usually when reduction of the charges, plea deals and much more are discussed. Only an attorney with criminal experience will understand the various avenues a defendant can take during the process. When choosing an attorney, it’s important to ask if they’ve handled the type of case a defendant has been charged with and what has been the outcome of the cases. A criminal attorney can present the defendant in the best light possible to the court by pleading their case.

When a defendant attempts to represent themselves, they may save on legal fees, but lose their freedom and everything else they’ve worked for in their life. A criminal attorney understands the legal procedures better than someone that has no experience with the system. An experienced criminal defense attorney has been working with the judges and court personnel and are familiar with their personalities and how they view things. This insight is incredibly helpful when they’re pleading a case for a client. Uncovering the truth is another very important part of what a criminal attorney can do that a defendant will not have the ability or skill to perform.

When you’ve been arrested for any type of crime, it’s imperative to immediately contact a criminal lawyer in Houston as quickly as possible. Don’t talk to friends or family members on the telephone or in person while in incarcerated. Anything you say can and will be used against you. The first call should be to a criminal lawyer.

Contact us today to see how we can assist you with your case.

Houston Criminal Law Firm