Know Your Rights: What to Do When Pulled Over in Texas
DWI lawyer Houston

Learn the Possible Consequences of a DWI Conviction in Texas

If you have been charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or driving while intoxicated in Texas, you may be thinking of simply accepting the consequences. However, it’s important to realize everything that can happen if you’re convicted of this charge and the risks involved with not having a DWI lawyer for legal representation.

Texas takes drunk driving offenses very seriously and allows judges to have some discretion in the penalties they impose. Even for a first offense, a DWI conviction can result in a 180-day jail sentence. The fine can be as high as $2,000, and you could lose your driver’s license for a full year. The minimum amount of time for license suspension after a conviction is 90 days. Those are obviously severe penalties to cope with that can turn your life upside down.

In addition, a conviction will lead to a spike in automotive insurance premiums. Your current company may cancel your policy or not renew it. If the policy is renewed, it will be substantially more expensive. If this company does not offer policies to people convicted of drunk driving, you’ll need to find an insurance company that does. This type of insurance is pricey because insurers know that driving while intoxicated is very risky behavior.

If your job involves driving, you could lose your job, even if you are able to acquire an occupational license. An occupational license allows the offender to drive during specified hours of the day and on certain days of the week, and in certain locations. This type of license is not acceptable to all employers. Future employers can easily learn whether you’ve ever been convicted of this offense, since it’s public record. That can have a negative effect on obtaining any type of of job.

A DWI Attorney often is able to prevent the worst consequences from occurring. In some cases, the charges may be dropped or reduced, or a judge may dismiss the case altogether. If this is not possible, a lawyer still can persuade the judge to assess the most lenient penalties allowed by law. If you are interested in fighting these charges, please contact Houston Criminal Firm today.

Houston Criminal Law Firm