Know Your Rights: What to Do When Pulled Over in Texas
DWI in Texas

Make Sure You Know How to Handle a Driving While Intoxicated Charge

Just a couple of drinks could easily lead to a person being pulled over and arrested for a DWI, also sometimes known as a DUI. The person should make sure they understand what they should do when they’re pulled over as well as what to do after they’re arrested to try to get a better outcome for their situation.

Know the Area’s Laws About Driving Under the Influence

The officer should alert a person to their rights before performing any test and should make sure the person understands their rights. However, it is up to the person to be sure they know their rights as the officer can make a mistake or not explain their rights properly and it could lead to a conviction for the person.

Know What to Do When Pulled Over

The person should always give the officer their name and other identifying information, but should not answer any questions to avoid self-prosecution. Texas does have an implied consent law, meaning they could be subject to additional penalties for refusing to take a chemical test to determine if they’re over the legal limit for driving while intoxicated. This should be considered when the person is determining if they’ll take the blood alcohol test.

Know Who to Call After an Arrest

After a person has been arrested, their first call is likely to someone who can help them pay their bail. However, after that’s done, the person will want to make sure they contact a lawyer. A lawyer is going to be able to review their case to see if there’s any way to have the charges dismissed. Often, this happens because there wasn’t probable cause to pull them over or because the officer made a mistake at some point that means the evidence collected cannot be used against the person.

With the right knowledge and help, a person might be able to avoid serious consequences. Even a first-time offender faces up to 180 days in jail and up to $2,000 in fines, so knowing how to handle being pulled over and contacting a lawyer after the arrest is essential for a person who wants to avoid these penalties.

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