It is no secret that if you are caught and charged with driving drunk, there will be severe penalties, no matter what state you live in. However, each state has its degree of severity in how it handles cases of driving while intoxicated. In some states, they make a distinction of driving while intoxicated and driving under the influence. The state of Texas has its own set of rules that apply to the drunk driving or intoxication charge. An attorney in Houston, Texas wants potential clients to be aware of what they are up against.
The legal criteria that Texas has placed on intoxication depends upon one of three factors: a blood alcohol concentration level of .08 percent or higher, loss of the use of physical function, or loss of the use of mental function. Texas takes a grim stance against DWI, even for the first offense. A first offense could wind up with 180 days in jail for the offender, a $2,000 fine, and a one year suspension of driving privileges. The offender could also be required to have a device that measure blood alcohol content level in the sweat. There are many grave factors for a first offender to face.
It is important to know that if you are arrested for drunk driving, Texas will act very quickly to suspend your driving license, whether you are guilty or not. You have to request a hearing within a 15 day period from the driving services in order to avoid suspension. This means you must act very quickly, or you could find yourself having to get others to take you where you need to go. You may even have a hard time getting work driving privileges.
Vinas & Graham are attorneys in Houston, Texas who are experienced in handling drunk driving cases. They can help you avoid difficulties, such as having to pay thousands of dollars to get your driving license reinstated, the possibility of being fired because of a drunk driving charge, or having your auto insurance climb much higher. If you find that you need a lawyer because of being charged with drunk driving, contact us today for a consultation.