Texas is known for their lax gun laws and the idea is that almost everyone living in Texas owns at least one. While these might not be exactly true, it is important for a person in Texas to understand who is allowed to carry a gun, what type they can own, what they need to carry a gun, and where they can take their gun legally. This way, they can be sure to follow the law and avoid getting arrested on a weapons possession charge.
Understanding the Possession Of A Firearm charges in Texas begins with understanding who can own a gun and what guns can be owned in Texas. Typically, everyone over the age of 18 can own a gun so long as they have not been convicted of a felony in the past. Even if a person has a felony in their past, however, they can work with a lawyer to regain their ability to own a gun. Those under 18 will need to look into rules specific to their age to determine if they are able to own a gun. If it is legal for a person to own a gun, there are still firearms that a person is not allowed to have. This includes fully automatic shotguns and short barrel shotguns or rifles.
A person doesn’t typically need anything special to be allowed to own a gun unless they were convicted of a felony in the past. Many people, however, prefer to obtain a concealed carry license. This allows them to conceal a handgun on their body when they’re not at home. Whether or not a person has a concealed carry license, guns are not allowed in churches, schools, liquor stores, bars, courthouses, and airports. Having a gun in these areas could mean the person is arrested on a possession charge even if they do legally own the gun and have a concealed carry license.
When a person is arrested and charged with possessing a firearm or weapon, it’s important they contact a lawyer immediately for help. They may need to review their rights to ensure none of their rights were violated and they’ll need to find out what they did wrong and how it can be fixed with as little in penalties as possible. This is especially important if the person is charged with a felony as they could lose their right to own a gun.