In Texas, if a person is arrested and charged with possession of a firearm, there is a range of charges they might face. The charges depend on who had the weapon, where they were located when they were arrested, and other details surrounding the situation. It’s important for a person to understand what these charges mean and how it can affect their future. Once a person knows what penalties they’re facing, they will want to contact a lawyer immediately for help.
There are some weapons that cannot be owned in the state of Texas. These include nunchucks, brass knuckles, fully automatic firearms, and short barrel shotguns or rifles. If a person is arrested for owning or possessing one of these weapons, they face either a class A misdemeanor or a third-degree felony. The class A misdemeanor is going to include penalties of up to a year in jail and $4,000 in fines. The felony charge means the person faces two to ten years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. It also means the person will lose their ability to own a firearm in the future as well as other basic rights.
If a person has a felony on their record, there is the possibility that they can have the firearm ban cleared and be able to own a gun again. However, this isn’t possible for everyone with a felony conviction and needs to be done with the help of a lawyer. If the person doesn’t get their right to own a firearm back and they are caught in possession of a firearm, they face a third-degree felony charge. Similar to above, this charge includes two to ten years in prison and fines of up to $10,000.
Those who have been arrested and charged with a weapons possession charge need to contact a lawyer immediately. Even a misdemeanor charge can have an impact on their future, but a felony charge could have severe repercussions. Contacting a lawyer immediately could allow the person to keep their right to owning a gun and minimize the penalties they’re facing if they are convicted of on the possession charge.