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Defense Attorney

Things to Consider When Hiring a Defense Attorney

For those that have run afoul of the law, choosing a criminal defense attorney to mount their defense in court can be a life changing decision. Regardless of the gravity of the crime, it’s important to hire an attorney as quickly as possible. In felony cases this rings doubly true, as the stakes are often much higher. But even misdemeanor cases go better for defendants who have an experienced attorney on their side.

When deciding who to trust with the case, the first thing to consider is experience. A law firm that has handled and won many other similar cases is simply better suited for the job. Those accused of serious felony crimes certainly don’t want to trust their futures to lawyers who make most of their bread and butter off fighting traffic tickets.

Consider arranging a consultation with the attorney under consideration before signing a contract. During this meeting, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Try to get a good idea of what kind of similar work he or she has done in the past, what trial strategies would be recommended, and whether or not his or her associated fees are prohibitively high. Do keep in mind, however, that hiring a lawyer is one of the areas in which bargain hunting is not a great idea. When something as serious as a potential criminal conviction is on the line, clients are better off prioritizing skill and experience over lower cost.

The earlier this decision is made, the more time the attorney will have to prepare a client’s case before trial. Often pre-trial agreements in the form of plea bargains or sometimes even dismissals can be arranged, but this requires hiring a lawyer as soon as possible after arrest.

When working with a defense attorney, be sure to communicate openly both about knowledge of the incident and potential defense strategies. And remember that whatever lawyer is ultimately chosen, it’s a good idea to trust his or her judgment. Of course clients should understand and agree with their attorneys’ defense strategies, but keep in mind that the best results will be obtained with an attorney clients trust to make appropriate decisions on their behalf.

Houston Criminal Law Firm