Know Your Rights: What to Do When Pulled Over in Texas
DWI Attorney

You’ll Need A Lawyer To Fight A DWI Charge

Fighting a DWI without the help of a lawyer is extremely difficult to do. Even if a person is truly innocent of the charges filed against them by the state, proving that fact in the court of law isn’t a simply matter. A person will have to gather and present evidence that affirms their innocence. In some cases, that can be hard for a lawyer to do. How does a person that isn’t trained to deal with legal issues even stand a chance if a lawyer might have a difficult time with the case? Facing jail time, fines, and loss of driving privileges isn’t something people should take lightly.

So why don’t people bring lawyers to the courtroom with them? Is it really because folks think they know it all and can win their cases? Sometimes, people are simply too trusting in the legal system. An innocent defendant might really believe that they don’t have anything to worry about. There are other times when defendants don’t think they can afford to hire attorneys. How does a person know whether or not they can afford a lawyer until they talk to a few? Attorneys offer some rather flexible payment options for those who need time to pay them.

Facing an alcohol-related driving charge is something that can turn a person’s life completely upside down. While the case is pending, a person might not have any driving privileges. That can make going to work hard for people who have long-distance commutes. Even doing things like going grocery shopping or making sure the kids get places can become a challenge. With the help of a lawyer, a person might be able to successfully ask the court to reinstate driving privileges for certain activities. If driving privileges are restored, defendants have to make sure they follow the rather strict guidelines. Violations can have severe penalties.

Some people are innocent of the charges filed against them, while others are guilty. That’s just a fact of life. What’s also a fact is both the innocent and guilty deserve the best defense possible. The only way that defendants can get the best defense is buy having qualified lawyers in the courtroom representing them.

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